2012 Pre Ecnlrl team with a strong showing to start the spring

              The first spring events of the season (DTS Invitational & EDP Spring Classic) saw the team enter the top flights, with a steely resolve and unwavering determination. Match after match, they showcased their prowess on the field, executing precise passes, dazzling dribbles, and clinical finishes. Their indomitable spirit propelled them through the tournaments, culminating in a hard-fought battle in the finals at DTS. Despite falling short (3-2) of the championship title, the team secured a commendable 2nd place finish, earning the admiration of fans and competitors alike. The team also secured a 3rd place finish at EDP Spring Classic with a final standing of 2-1-1 against some top teams in the region.

Next event showing is PDA Invitational...

Everyone is looking forward to seeing what this group can due this fall when they enter the ECNL RL Northeast!!